Until now, the definition of modularity describes systems which are usually prefabricated units with standardized dimensions which allow for easy assemble and flexible arrangement. These predefined measurements mean that the dedicated space for the audio equipment they carry can often be too small or sometimes exaggerated. Some manufacturers provide size customization options, but in those cases, the price can skyrocket.
To bring our customers the product that suits their needs, fully customizable in size without excessive cost we have developed a new concept of modularity. After much research of the production and assembly processes we were able to obtain the perfect marriage of quality materials, design and sound production, giving new life to the concept of modularity.
At Lybracoustics, modularity focusses on the components which make up the platform, not the entire stand, and in doing so, our shelf-less platform can be easily customized to the size of your audio equipment with maximum benefit.
In case you do not find the right size for you amongst our starter kits, do not be afraid to ask, we can always find a solution, just contact us for help and advice at no extra cost. The price will remain the same as for an order of the same quantity.
But the Lybracoustics' modularity does not end there. If in the future you have to change your audio equipment, thus changing the capacity, you will not need to buy a new platform, but instead, simply ask us for the components necessary to vary the dimensions involved. For example, if you have purchased new equipment which is taller, just contact our customer service to order only the 4 necessary uprights with the new sizes without having to purchase an entirely new platform. The same goes for the front, side and cross bars.
Furthermore, if you have not previously purchased a custom size stand, we also offer a trade-in service, discounting your new component on the return of the old one.